Monday, November 17, 2014

Guess I should start doing Yoga.....

This is another great explanation of the 'happy chemicals' our brains and bodies use to make us feel good.

One thing that stood out is the section on GABA. In the Sons of Helaman and Eternal Warriors classes, we learn how to use GABA to control our limbic system, so we can stick to our goals and values.  It's interesting to see that Yoga can help us produce GABA as well. This goes along well with one of my previous posts on using meditation to 'fire up the left frontal lobe', where happiness resides. So I guess i should take up yoga and meditation to help in staying prefrontal :)

5. GABA: “The Anti-Anxiety Molecule” GABA is an inhibitory molecule that slows down the firing of neurons and creates a sense of calmness. You can increase GABA naturally by practicing yoga,meditation or “The Relaxation Response.”  Benzodiazepines (Such as Valium and Xanax) are sedatives that work as anti-anxiety medication by increasing GABA. These drugs have many side effects and risks of dependency but are still widely prescribed. 
A study from the "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" found a 27% increase in GABA levels among yoga practitioners after a 60-minute yoga session when compared against participants who read a book for 60 minutes. The study suggests yoga might increase GABA levels naturally.

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